Doug Uhl raised to 30,000 preflop and was called by Mark Salinaro in the small blind and Brian Lemke in the big blind. The flop came [7s][6h][4s] and it was checked to Uhl, who fired 38,000. Salinaro made the call and Lemke folded.
The turn came the [5s] and Salinaro bet out 71,000. Uhl immediately moved all in and Salinaro made the call. They turned over:
Salinaro [As][Js]
Uhl [Ks][Qs]
Both players turned the flush but Salinaro held the nuts. The river came the [Kc] and Salinaro won the pot, eliminating Uhl in 20th place.
Mark Salinaro now has over 1.3 million chips.