Luis Vazquez raised from the button to 8K preflop and Kevin Schaffel reraised from the big blind to 24K. Vazquez made the call and the flop came [Ks][7c][6s].
Schaffel led out for 40K and Vazquez moved all in. Schaffel immediately made the call and they turned over:
Schaffel [Ac][Kc]
Vazquez [Kh][3s]
Vazquez announced "Nice hand" and started to count out his chip to send Schaffel's way as the turn came out the [Js].
It wasn't until about four second after the [5s] hit the river did anyone at the table realize that Vazquez had hit a flush to take the pot.
Schaffel, who is serving as host of the Mega Stack Challenge, shook Vazquez's hand and presented him with a hat and shirt before leaving the tournament area.