Kevin Schaffel was all in preflop against Kyle Loman and Steve Buckley. The flop came [Kc][4s][2s]. Loman and Buckley got all their chips in and the players turned over:
Schaffel [Ad][Ah]
Loman [Ks][Qs]
Buckley [As][Kh]
Schaffel had the lead with his pair of aces and Buckley was ahead in the side pot with a pair of kings with an ace kicker. However, Loman had the flush draw and two pair redraw with two cards to come.
The turn was the [7d] and the river came the [Th]. Loman missed his draw and doubled Buckley up to over 350,000. Loman was left with around 40,000.
Schaffel won the main pot and tripled up to around 150,000.