Andrew DeLisle raised the minimum to 12,000 preflop and was called by Jake Bazeley in the big blind. The flop came [Ah][Jd][5d] and Bazeley checked. DeLisle fired 10,000 and Bazeley raised to 30,000. DeLisle made the call and the turn was the [Ad].
Bazeley checked again and DeLisle bet out 25,000. Bazeley thought for a moment before raising all in for 129,000 more. DeLisle tanked for a few minutes before finally announcing call. They turned over:
DeLisle [Qc][Jc]
Bazeley [Ac][5h]
Bazeley already had the hand locked up with his full house and a meaningless [8c] fell on the river.
Bazeley raked a huge pot, eliminating DeLisle in 6th place.