Hoyt Corkins
On a board of [9h][7d][6d], Tom Marchese checked and Hoyt Corkins bet 60,000. Marchese made the call and the turn was the [8h]. Again, Marchese checked and Corkins bet out 160,000.
Marchese made the call once again and the river came the [4h]. Marchese checked once more and Corkins carefully counted out 240,000 in chips. Marchese thought for a minute before slowly sliding out a call.
Corkins, ear plugs in full effect, asked if he had called. The dealer said yes and Corkins turned over [Td][Th] for the straight. Marchese mucked and Corkins raked the monster pot.
Hoyt Corkins is now up to about 1.15 million while Tom Marchese still has about 900,000.