Monday, October 31, 2011
YouTube video: Chris Klodnicki Eliminated 7th at the World Poker Finals
Chris Klodnicki is eliminated in 7th place at the World Poker Finals, just short of the televised final table.
YouTube video: Jonathan Little Eliminated 8th at the World Poker Finals
Jonathan Little is eliminated in 8th place at the World Poker Tour $10,000 World Poker Finals Main Event.
Final Televised Table Chip Counts
Here are the chip counts for the final six players at the World Poker Tour Final Table:
1. Steven Brackesy 1,807,000
2. Daniel Santoro 1,163,000
3. Christian Harder 1,293,000
4. Bob Carbone 588,000
5. Andy Frankenberger 374,000
6. Eli Berg 496,000
Play will resume at 4pm ET tomorrow.
Chris Klodnicki Eliminated in 7th Place ($68,465)
Jonathan Little Eliminated in 8th Place ($54,060)
Day 5 of the World Poker Final About to Begin!
Day 5 of the $10,000 World Poker Finals Main Event is about to get underway. There are eight players remaining and play will continue today until we reach the final six.
The blinds will be starting at 6,000-12,000 with a 2,000 ante.
You can watch all the action live today on our live stream by clicking "Watch LIVE Feature Table" at the top of the page.
Here are the chip counts by seat assignments from the final table:
1. Steven Brackesy 984,000
2. Chris Klodnicki 534,000
3. Daniel Santoro 1,249,000
4. Christian Harder 1,437,000
5. Bob Carbone 263,000
6. Andy Frankenberger 486,000
7. Jonathan Little 504,000
8. Eli Berg 227,000
Final payouts are as follows:
1st - $424,410 + $25,500 WPT Championship Seat
2nd - $248,962
3rd - $166,271
4th - $129,816
5th - $99,585
6th - $83,580
7th - $68,465
8th - $54,060
Sunday, October 30, 2011
End of Day 4 Chip Counts
Play has come to an end on Day 4 of the World Poker Finals with 8 players remaining.
The end of Day 4 final chip counts are as follows:
1. Steven Brackesy 984,000
2. Chris Klodnicki 534,000
3. Daniel Santoro 1,249,000
4. Christian Harder 1,437,000
5. Bob Carbone 263,000
6. Andy Frankenberger 486,000
7. Jonathan Little 504,000
8. Eli Berg 227,000
Play will resume at noon tomorrow and continue until we reach the World Poker Tour television final table of six.
Andy Rossi Eliminated in 9th Place ($42,339)
Andy Rossi
Christian Harder raises to 23,000 and Andy Rossi three-bets to 100,000. Chris Klodnicki moves all-in for 227,000 and Harder folds. Rossi calls and they turn up:
Rossi - [Ac][Kh]
Klodnicki - [Ah][As]
The board runs out [Ad][Jc][4c][8h][Qc] and Klodnicki improves to trips to win the pot and eliminate Rossi in 9th place for $42,339.
Hoyt Corkins Eliminated in 10th Place ($34,676)
Final Table Seat Assignments
Here are the seating assignments at the final table:
1. Steven Brackesy
2. Chris Klodnicki
3. Daniel Santoro
4. Christian Harder
5. Bob Carbone
6. Andy Frankenberger
7. Jonathan Little
8. Eli Berg
9. Hoyt Corkins
10. Andy Rossi
Jack Schanbacher Eliminated in 11th Place ($34,676)
Matt Glantz Eliminated in 12th Place ($34,676)
Blind Increase with 12 Players Remaining
The players are currently on their last 15-minute break of the day.
When play resumes, the blinds will be increased to 5,000-10,000 with a 1,000 ante.
With 12 players remaining, the average chip stack is now 473,000.
Photos: Day 4 of the World Poker Finals

A view of the table from the perspective of Hoyt Corkins
Matt Glantz on Day 4 of the World Poker Finals
Cards on the table after an all-in and call. The kings held up.
Christian Harder on Day 4 of the World Poker Finals
Daniel Santoro (left) contemplates calling Eli Berg's all-in.
The chip stack of Steven Brackesy.
Hoyt Corkins and Andy Frankenberger on Day 4 action.
Matt Glantz and Jonathan Little on Day 4 of the World Poker Finals.
Steven Brackesy on Day 4 of the World Poker Finals.
Blinds Increase with 12 Players Remaining
The blinds are being increased to 4,000-8,000 with a 1,000 ante.
With 12 players remaining, the average chip stack is now 473,000.
James Frangoulidis Eliminated in 13th Place ($27,563)
Matt Stout Eliminated in 14th Place ($27,563)
Peter Politano Eliminated in 15th Place ($27,563)
Blind Increase with 15 Players Remaining
The players are currently on a 15-minute break. When play resumes, the blinds will be increased to 3,000-6,000 with a 1,000 ante.
With 15 players remaining, the average chip stack is now 378,000.
Bernard Lee Eliminated in 16th Place ($23,117)
Lee Markholt Eliminated in 17th Place ($23,117)
Lee Markholt
Christian Harder raises to 11,500 from early position and Chris Klodnicki calls. Lee Markholt then moves all-in for his last few chip and Harder folds. Klodnicki calls and they turn up:
Markholt - [As][Kh]
Klodnicki - [Kc][Kd]
The flop brings no help to Markholt and a king on the turn sends him to the rail in 17th place for $23,117.
Tom Schreiber Eliminated in 18th Place ($23,177)
Blind Increase with 18 Players Remaining
Players have returned from break and the blinds have been increased to 2,500-5,000 with a 500 ante.
With 18 players remaining, the average chip stack is now 315,000.
Joshua Bergman Eliminated in 19th Place ($19,916)
Lawrence Greenberg Eliminated in 21st Place ($19,916)
Daniel Colman Eliminated in 22nd Place ($19,916)
Allen Kessler Eliminated in 25th Place ($19,916)
Dan Colpoys Eliminated in 26th Place ($19,916)
Dan Colpoys has been eliminated from the World Poker Finals Main Event in 26th place for $19,916.
Tony Biceglia Eliminated in 27th Place ($19,916)
Day 4 of the World Poker Finals is Underway!
Play is now underway on Day 4 of the World Poker Finals.
There are 27 players remaining and the blinds are starting at 2,000-4,000 with a 500 ante.
Click "Watch LIVE Feature Table" at the top of the page to view the live feed.
Final payouts are as follows:
1st - $424,410 + $25,500 WPT Championship Seat
2nd - $248,962
3rd - $166,271
4th - $129,816
5th - $99,585
6th - $83,580
7th - $68,465
8th - $54,060
9th - $42,339
10th-12th - $34,676
13th-15th - $27,563
16th-18th - $23,117
19th-27th - $19,916
16th-18th - $23,117
19th-27th - $19,916
Today's Live Stream Feature Table Line-Up
You can watch today's play, starting in about 10 minutes, by clicking "Watch LIVE Feature Table" at the top of the page.
Here are the players starting at the feature table:
1. Tom Schreiber 54,000
2. Hoyt Corkins 235,500
3. Cornel Cimpan 25,000
4. Bob Carbone 156,500
5. Jonathan Little 355,000
6. Eli Berg 152,500
7. Peter Politano 237,000
8. Andy Rossi 352,500
9. Steven Brackesy 339,000
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Foxwoods 2011 World Poker Finals $10,000 Main Event - End of Day 3 Returning Players
Place | Name | Chips | Table/Seat |
1 | Frankenberger, Andy | 658,500 | 3-5 |
2 | Schanbacher, Jack | 483,500 | 2-7 |
3 | Harder, Christian | 378,500 | 2-9 |
4 | Greenberg, Lawrence | 360,000 | 2-6 |
5 | Little, Jonathan | 355,000 | 1-5 |
6 | Rossi, Andy | 352,500 | 1-8 |
7 | Brackesy, Steven | 339,000 | 1-9 |
8 | Santoro, Daniel | 331,000 | 3-2 |
9 | Dentale, Michael | 250,000 | 2-6 |
10 | Politano, Peter | 237,000 | 1-7 |
11 | Klodnicki, Chris | 236,000 | 2-4 |
12 | Corkins, Hoyt | 235,500 | 1-2 |
13 | Glantz, Matt | 226,500 | 2-5 |
14 | Stout, Matt | 221,500 | 2-1 |
15 | Carbone, Bob | 156,500 | 1-4 |
16 | Bergman, Josh | 153,000 | 3-4 |
17 | Berg, Eli | 152,500 | 1-6 |
18 | Frangoulidis, James | 134,500 | 3-6 |
19 | Lee, Bernard | 84,000 | 3-7 |
20 | Powderly, Andy | 76,500 | 3-8 |
21 | Markholt, Lee | 61,000 | 3-3 |
22 | Schreiber, Thomas | 54,000 | 1-1 |
23 | Colpoys, Dan | 51,000 | 2-8 |
24 | Biceglia, Tony | 49,500 | 2-3 |
25 | Kessler, Allen | 43,500 | 3-9 |
26 | Colman, Daniel | 43,000 | 3-1 |
27 | Cimpan, Cornel | 25,000 | 1-3 |
Play Concludes as the Money Bubble Bursts
On the final hand of the night, we lost a player and are now in the money.
The 27 remaining players will return at noon tomorrow for Day 4 of the World Poker Finals.
The end of Day 3 chip counts and Day 4 seating assignments will be posted shortly here on
Kathy Liebert Eliminated in 29th Place
Break Time with 31 Players Remaining
The players are now on a 15-minute break.
When play resumes, the blinds will be increased to 1,500-3,000 with a 500 ante.
With 31 players remaining, the average chip stack is now 183,000.
YouTube video: Jason Mercier Eliminated from the World Poker Finals
Jason Mercier gets all-in with pocket aces on Day 3 of the World Poker Finals but runs into his opponent's two pair.
Blind Increase with 37 Players Remaining
The blinds have been increased to 1,200-2,400 with a 400 ante.
With 37 players remaining, the average chip stack is now 153,200.
Matt Stout Doubles Up with Aces
Blind Increase with 47 Players Remaining
The blinds have been increased to 1,000-2,000 with a 300 ante.
With 47 players remaining, the average chip stack is now 120,600.
Jonathan Little Chips Up to Near 250K
YouTube video: Jason Mercier on Day 3 of the World Poker Finals
Jason Mercier talks with Jay "WhoJedi" Newnum on Day 3 of the Foxwoods World Poker Finals.
Blind Increase with 54 Players Remaining
The players have returned from break and the blinds have been increased to 800-1,600 with a 200 ante.
With 54 players remaining, the average chip stack is now 105,000.
YouTube video: Jeff Forrest Eliminated by Christian Harder
World Poker Finals Defending Champion Jeff Forrest is eliminated by Christian Harder on Day 3 of the 2011 Main Event.
Erik Seidel Eliminated by Bernard Lee
Jeff Forrest Eliminated by Christian Harder
James @jcamby33 Campbell Eliminated from the Main Event
Live Stream Table with Jason Mercier, Christian Harder and Kathy Liebert
Jason Mercier, Kathy Liebert and Christian Harder
To watch the live stream of the feature table, just click "Watch LIVE Feature Table" at the top of the page.
Here are the chip counts by seat assignments for the feature table:
1. Andy Rossi 169,100
2. Larry Lipman 51,300
3. Subaru Takeshita 36,400
4. Jason Mercier 70,600
5. Kathy Liebert 92,000
6. Christian Harder 194,300
7. Ardavan Yazdi 42,500
8. Alistar Melville 143,600
9. Lee Markholt 21,100
Day 3 of the World Poker Finals About to Start
We are just minutes away from the start of play on Day 3 of the $10,000 World Poker Finals Main Event.
There are 66 players returning today and the blinds will be starting at 600-1,200 with a 200 ante.
There are 66 players returning today and the blinds will be starting at 600-1,200 with a 200 ante.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Foxwoods 2011 World Poker Finals $10,000 Main Event Day 2 Returning Players
Place | Name | Chips | Table/Seat |
1 | Colpoys, Dan | 246,000 | 7-5 |
2 | Frankenberger, Andy | 239,600 | 3-1 |
3 | Politano, Peter | 237,900 | 8-4 |
4 | Klodnicki, Chris | 216,100 | 4-6 |
5 | Brackesy, Steven | 213,700 | 2-1 |
6 | Harder, Christian | 194,300 | 1-6 |
7 | Schreiber, Tom | 173,200 | 6-1 |
8 | Rossi, Andy | 169,100 | 1-1 |
9 | Dentale, Michael | 167,000 | 2-3 |
10 | Schanbacher, Jack | 152,200 | 5-1 |
11 | Melville, Alistair | 143,600 | 1-8 |
12 | Garg, Lokesh | 126,600 | 8-3 |
13 | Sternberg, Alan | 122,200 | 6-3 |
14 | Bergman, Josh | 122,000 | 7-3 |
15 | Matteo, Paul | 115,800 | 5-7 |
16 | Berg, Eli | 113,600 | 8-1 |
17 | Lazzinnaro, Louis | 111,600 | 4-7 |
18 | Elias, Darren | 106,400 | 2-8 |
19 | Carbone, Bob | 105,000 | 2-5 |
20 | Corkins, Hoyt | 99,000 | 6-9 |
21 | Biceglia, Tony | 95,300 | 3-8 |
22 | Frangoulidis, James | 94,000 | 3-5 |
23 | Little, Jonathan | 92,500 | 4-8 |
24 | Liebert, Kathy | 92,000 | 1-5 |
25 | Tryba, Chris | 89,300 | 6-8 |
26 | Greenberg, Lawrence | 89,000 | 5-2 |
27 | Colman, Daniel | 84,400 | 4-9 |
28 | Stefanski, David | 84,200 | 5-6 |
29 | Sands, David | 83,700 | 8-9 |
30 | McNeil, Michael | 80,700 | 7-1 |
31 | Frazin, Mike | 74,100 | 8-2 |
32 | Kessler, Allen | 71,200 | 7-7 |
33 | Mercier, Jason | 70,600 | 1-4 |
34 | Stout, Matt | 69,300 | 3-9 |
35 | Fitzpatrick, Jeremiah | 68,600 | 8-5 |
36 | Lee, Bernard | 67,500 | 3-3 |
37 | Louvier, James | 63,700 | 6-6 |
38 | Nakhoul, Ben | 61,900 | 2-9 |
39 | Russell, Donald | 61,100 | 6-4 |
40 | Pilgrim, Dwyte | 58,500 | 3-7 |
41 | Ladny, Eric | 56,500 | 3-6 |
42 | Powderly, Andy | 54,900 | 6-5 |
43 | Brady, Matt | 54,700 | 7-9 |
44 | Burwell, Don | 52,400 | 5-9 |
45 | Porter, Bryan | 51,800 | 6-7 |
46 | Lipman, Larry | 51,300 | 1-2 |
47 | Campbell, James | 48,400 | 7-4 |
48 | Meskin, Mike | 46,600 | 8-7 |
49 | Glantz, Matt | 46,000 | 2-7 |
50 | Zaki, Justin | 45,000 | 2-4 |
51 | Spurdis, Gregory | 43,800 | 3-2 |
52 | Pelland, Jay | 42,600 | 7-2 |
53 | Yazdi, Ardavan | 42,500 | 1-7 |
54 | Ohannessian, Harry | 40,600 | 5-4 |
55 | Hochman, Corey | 39,100 | 4-5 |
56 | Pito, Lou | 38,800 | 5-5 |
57 | Lang, Grant | 37,500 | 7-8 |
58 | Takeshita, Subaru | 36,400 | 1-3 |
59 | Cimpan, Cornel | 35,700 | 4-4 |
60 | Gregg, Anthony | 35,500 | 4-2 |
61 | Santoro, Daniel | 35,500 | 5-3 |
62 | Yakovenko, Nikolai | 28,400 | 2-6 |
63 | Kellstrom, Dana | 26,600 | 4-1 |
64 | Seidel, Erik | 26,600 | 8-6 |
65 | Markholt, Lee | 21,100 | 1-9 |
66 | Forrest, Jeff | 17,600 | 8-8 |
Play Concludes for the Night in the Main Event
Play has come to an end on Day 2 of the $10,000 Foxwoods World Poker Open Main Event.
There are 66 players remaining and Day 3 will resume at noon tomorrow.
The final end of Day 2 chip counts and Day 3 seat assignments will be posted shortly on
There are 66 players remaining and Day 3 will resume at noon tomorrow.
The final end of Day 2 chip counts and Day 3 seat assignments will be posted shortly on
Six Hands of Play Remaining on Day 2
The tournament clock is being stopped with 15 minutes remaining in the level and players will play six more hands today.
There are currently 68 players remaining and the average chip stack is 83,300.
There are currently 68 players remaining and the average chip stack is 83,300.
Break Time with 81 Players Remaining
The players are now on their final 15-minute break of the day.
With 81 players remaining, the average chip stack is now 70,000.
When play resumes, the blinds will be increased to 500-1,000 with a 500 ante.
This will be the final level of the night.
With 81 players remaining, the average chip stack is now 70,000.
When play resumes, the blinds will be increased to 500-1,000 with a 500 ante.
This will be the final level of the night.
Rob @M1NDGAMES Brown Eliminated from the Main Event
Blind Increase with 97 Players Remaining
Players have returned from break and the blinds have been increased to 400-800 with a 100 ante.
With 97 players remaining, the average chip stack is now 58,400.
With 97 players remaining, the average chip stack is now 58,400.
Darren Elias Doubles To Nearly 200,000
$10,000 Main Event Final Numbers & Payouts
We had a total of 189 players in the $10,000 Championship event at the Foxwoods World Poker Finals.
The final 27 spots will finish in the money
Final payouts are as follows:
1st - $424,410 + $25,500 WPT Championship Seat
2nd - $248,962
3rd - $166,271
4th - $129,816
5th - $99,585
6th - $83,580
7th - $68,465
8th - $54,060
9th - $42,339
10th-12th - $34,676
13th-15th - $27,563
16th-18th - $23,117
19th-27th - $19,916
16th-18th - $23,117
19th-27th - $19,916
Break Time with 116 Players Remaining
The players are now on a 15-minute break.
When play resumes, the blinds will be increased to 300-600 with a 75 ante.
There are now 116 players remaining in the field.
When play resumes, the blinds will be increased to 300-600 with a 75 ante.
There are now 116 players remaining in the field.
Christian Harder Leads the Field
Photos: Day 2 of the World Poker Finals Main Event
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