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Sam Haddad (right) reacts to a scary river as he doubles up through Antoine Younes (left) |
Antoine stands for his allin hand |
Antoine Younes opened for a raise before Sam Haddad moved all in. Action folded back to Antonie who made the quick call, showing [Ac][Ks]. But Sam tabled [Ah][Ad], making this the second time we've seen this matchup since being at the final table. Amazingly, a similar flop appeared when it fell [3d][Kd][7d], leaving Antonie drawing to a non-diamond king. The turn and river fell [7h][Qd] to give Sam the nut flush, scaring him briefly since the river was red paint (the [Kh] would have busted him).
A few hands later, Antoine was all in and out of his chair as his [Tc][9s] was in trouble against his opponent's [Ah][Kh]. The [6d][7d][8c] flop changed all that as it gave Antonie a
99% chance of doubling up. The [4c] turn secured him the doubleup, and the river fell the meaningless [2s]. Antoine ends this rollercoaster with 225,000.