Chris Piero (right) is two outed as Andrew Badecker (left) looks on in astonishment |
Mike Nye opened for a raise before Chris Pierro reraised from the small blind. Mike moved all in and Chris snap called, tabling [Qh][Qd]. But Mike had him crushed with [Ks][Kd]. The table and crowd went nuts when the flop rolled out [6d][Qc][6c], giving Chris a full house and leaving Mike drawing to two remaining kings or running sixes to win. Amazingly, the [Kc] dropped on the turn to get an even bigger reaction from the crowd. There would be no re-suck as the [6s] hit the river, eliminating Chris in 7th place. Graciously, Chris shook everyone's hands at the final table before heading to the payout desk to collect $24,618.