Schedule // Structure Sheets // Hotel Information // Live Stream Feature Table

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Event #9 (Ladies) Final Six Chop Deal Made

The remaining six players have made a deal in which Sharon Raider (chip leader) will get $3,900, and the five other players (Le-Ann Anderson, Cheryle Drysdale, Stephanie Small, Jill Chamberlin, and Linda Swears) will each take $1,900. 

They will play it out for the trophy and the additional $652 in cash. 

Event #9 (NLH Ladies) - Heidi Alexander Eliminated in 7th Place ($803)

Heidi Alexander (w/ Photo of her New Baby) - 7th Place - $803

Event #9 (NLH Ladies) - Geri Warm Eliminated in 8th Place ($642)

Geri Warm - 8th Place - $642

Blinds: 5,000/10,000
Ante: 1,000

Sharon Raider raises to 31,000 in middle position, and Geri Warm shoves all in from the big blind.  Raider calls.

Raider: [kc][js]
Warm: [qd][jh]

The board runs out [8c][6s][4s][2d][8d], eliminating Warm in 8th place, paying $642.

Sharon Raider - 850,000
Geri Warm - Eliminated

Event #10 ($1,650) Nick Palma Pic (For the Fans!)

Per a Twitter request, here is the photo of Nick Palma.

Event #9 (NLH Ladies) - Jo-Anne Ferguson Eliminated in 9th Place ($562)

Jo-Anne Ferguson - 9th Place - $562

Event #11 ($250 NLH Turbo Super Stack) Prize Pool Information

There were a total of 238 entries into today's $250 NLH Turbo Super Stack event.

The top 27 places will be paid out as follows:

1 - $11,863
2 - $7,321
3 - $4,765
4 - $3,773
5 - $2,928
6 - $2,333
7 - $1,886
8 - $1,514
9 - $1,201
10-12 - $843
13-15 - $744
16-18 - $694
19-21 -$645
22-24 - $595
25-27 -  $496

Total Prize Pool:  $49,635

Event #10 ($1,650 NLH) Prize Pool Information

There were a total of 158 entries into today's $1,650 NLH event.

The top 18 places will be paid out as follows:

1 - $59,772
2 - $38,851
3 - $25,748
4 - $19,311
5 - $14,713
6 - $11,954
7 - $9,655
8 - $7,817
9 - $6,210
10-12 - $4,367
13-15 - $3,908
16-18 - $3,678

Total Prize Pool:  $229,890

Event #9 (NLH Ladies) - Money Bubble Broken

Mary Lockwood has been eliminated from play, and all remaining players are now officially in the money of event #9. 

Mary Lockwood - 11th Place - $200 (Bubble Paid By Players)

Event #9 (NLH Ladies) - Final Table w/ Chips Counts

Seat 1 - Le-Ann Anderson - 118,000
Seat 2 - Cheryle Drysdale - 203,000
Seat 3 - Geri Warm - 25,000
Seat 4 - Stephanie Small - 324,000
Seat 5 - Jo-Anne Ferguson - 120,000
Seat 6 - Heidi Alexander - 221,000
Seat 7 - Sharon Raider - 179,000
Seat 8 - Mary Lockwood - 73,000
Seat 9 - Jill Chamberlin - 90,000
Seat 10 - Linda Swears - 192,000

Event #10 ($1,650 NLH) - Will Failla Eliminated By Matt Costanzo

Blinds: 500/1,000
Ante: 100 

According to Matt Costanzo, Will Failla was just eliminated when Costanzo raised from the cutoff to 2,000, Failla made it 6,500, Costanzo shoved all in, and Failla called.

Failla held pocket kings, against Costanzo's ace-king.  Costanzo hit an ace on the turn to eliminate Failla from play.

Costanzo is now sitting with 155,000.

Event #10 - Brian Leblanc Eliminated By Soukha Kacchitavong

Blinds: 500/100
Ante: 100

On a board reading [jh][10c][4c], Brian 'Castles' Leblanc checks, Soukha Kachittavong bets 4,700, and Leblanc announces that he is all in.  Kachittavong asks for a count.  He cuts out the additional 31,000 to call, looks at Leblanc and says, "Jack ten is good," he says as he turns over [kh][jd].  Leblanc slowly turns over [ad][kc]. 

Unfortunately for Leblanc, the [6h] turn and [10d] river do not improve his hand, and he is eliminated from play. 

After the hand is over, Alex Begazyon tells the table that he had doubled Kachittavong up when they got it all in with kings versus queens, and Kachittavong hit a queen on the flop.  Begazyon says those lucky chips he gave "Brother Soukha" helped him to win the hand against Leblanc. 

Soukha Kachittavong- 110,000
Brian Leblanc - Eliminated

Event #9 ($250 Ladies) Final Three Tables (w/ Photos)

We are down to the final 19 players in the Ladies No Limit Hold Em Event.  These players are currently playing 2,000/4,000 blinds with a 500 ante, and the average chip stack is 81,052.

It should be noted that two previous Foxwoods Ladies Event Champions are still in the field. Linda Swears won the $250 Foxwoods Mega Stack Ladies Event this past February.  And Heidi Alexander won the Fowoods Poker Classic Ladies Event back to back years in 2010 and 2011.

Event #11 ($250 NLH Turbo Super Stack) Update

There are currently 18 tables for Event #11, and 205 runners.  They are in the midst of level 8 (250/500 blinds with a 75 ante).

This tournament has a $25,000 guarantee, players start with 40,000 in chips, and levels last 15 minutes.  This is a trophy event, and will be played to conclusion tonight. 

For information on structure please see this link.

Event #10 ($1,650) Post Dinner Break Chip Counts

Current Level: 10
Blinds: 400/800
Ante: 100
Players Remaining: 82
Average: 47,560

Fred Paradis - 104,000
Bobby Corcione - 70,000
Matthew 'Bucky' Wantman - 70,000
Luke Vrabel - 65,000
The General - 65,000
Nicholas Palma - 50,000
Dave Stefanski - 45,000
Will Failla - 45,000
Je Wook Oh - 43,000
Steven Tabb - 35,000
Julie Bae - 35,000
Ted Driscoll - 35,000
Stacey Sullivan - 35,000
Gerald Aiello - 30,000
James Campbell - 30,000
Nipun Java - 27,000
Frankie Flowers 23,000
Chris Orme - 20,000
Soukha Kacchitavong - 11,000

Event #10 ($1,650 NLH) Players Now on Dinner Break

The remaining players in Event #10 are now on dinner break.  They will return to play in 60 minutes with 400/800 blinds and a 100 ante.    

Anyone wishing to enter/re-enter this event has until the end of the dinner break to do so.  Information on structure can be found by clicking this link.

Event #10 ($1,650 NLH) WIll Failla Fills Up

Blinds: 250/500
Ante: 75
Avg. Chips: 37,784

On a board reading [qc][10s][6s][qh], a player in the small blind bets 4,500, and Will Failla quickly calls.  When the river comes the [10c], the player in the blind checks, and Failla makes it 4,500.  The blind hesitantly calls. 

"You have kings, right?" Failla asks. 

"No, I have aces," the player responds. 

"I thought so," Failla says as he turns over [6c][6d] for a full house.  His opponent shows [as][ac], and throws them in the muck. 

Will Failla - 55,000

Event #10 ($1,650 NLH) - Brian Leblanc Scores a Double Knock Out

Brian 'Castle' Leblanc
Blinds: 250/500
Ante: 75
Chip Avg: 37,784

On a board reading [9d][7c][2h], with Dilip Patel already all in, a player in the small blind checks, Brian 'Castle' Leblanc shoves all in, and the small blind calls.

Patel: [as][jc] (ace high)
Small Blind: [10s][10c] (overpair)
Leblanc: [9h][9s] (set of nines)

The [3h] turn and [ah] river, means Leblanc will take the pot with his set of nines, and Patel and the other player involved in the hand are sent to the rail.

Brian Leblanc - 120,000

Event #10 ($1,650 NLH) Chris Tryba Leading the Pack

Event #10 ($1,650 NLH) - Luke Vrabel Knocks One Out

Blinds: 200/400
Ante: 50
Chip Avg:  31,971

On a board reading [qh][9c][3h][jh][5h], a player in the small blind shoves all in, and Luke Vrabel quickly calls. 

Vrabel turns over [ah][9h] for the nut flush.  His opponent slides his chips over to Vrabel, and mucks his cards face down. 

Luke Vrabel - 55,000

Event #9 (Ladies) Sally Tesoro Doubles Up

Sally Tesoro

Blinds: 500/1,000
Ante: 100

Sally Tesoro shoves all in, and Melanie Kaye calls, having Tesoro covered.

Tesoro: [8h][9d]
Kaye: [ad][qc]

The flop comes [7h][6h][5h].  "Oooo, a straight flush draw," a player not involved in the hand says to Tesoro.

While the [kc] turn and [10d] river did not give Tesoro the straight flush, her straight is enough to award her a full double up.

Sally Tesoro - 32,000
Melanie Kaye - 14,000

Event #9 (Ladies) Ashley Walecka Scores a Knockout

Blinds: 500/1,000
Ante: 100

A player in early position shoves all in for 7,700, and Ashley Walecka quickly calls on the button.  Francine Lee tanks in the big blind for nearly a minute.  She ultimately releases her hand saying, "Chicken, chicken, chicken," referring to her fold. The player in the big blind calls the 7,700. 

The big blind checks the [jk][7h][5h] flop, and Walecka bets 9,000.  The big blind reluctantly releases her hand.

All In Player: [jd][9d]
Walecka: [kd][kc]

The [3s] turn and [10h] river means, Walecka takes the pot, and her opponent is sent to the rail. 

Ashley Walecka - 51,000

Event #9 ($250 NLH Ladies Event) Prize Pool Information

There were a total of 77 entries into today's $250 NLH Ladies event.

The top 9 places will be paid out as follows:

1 - $4,818
2 - $3,373
3 - $2,087
4 - $1,606
5 - $1,205
6 - $963
7 - $803
8 - $642
9 - $562

Total Prize Pool:  $16,059

Event #9 (Ladies) - Elizabeth Krakowski Doubles Through Francine Lee

On a board reading [jh][10d][8d], Francine Lee bets, and Elizabeth Krakowski shoves all in.  Lee quickly calls. 

Lee: [jc][9c] (open-ended straight draw, and a pair of jacks)
Krakowski: [as][qh] (gut-shot straight draw)

The [9h] on the turn gives Lee two pair, but also brings the straight for Krakowski.  The [8c] on the river does not change the hand, and Krakowski is awarded a full double. 

Elizabeth Krakowski - 25,000
Francine Lee - 21,000

Event #10 ($1,650 NLH) - A Round of Chip Counts

Napun Java - 22,000
Dave Stefanski - 50,000
Ted Drsicoll - 12,000
Stacey Sullivan - 32,000
Julie Bae - 30,000
Chris Tryba - 70,000
James Campbell - 60,000
Carlo Sciannameo - 18,000
Je Wook Oh - 25,000
Chris Orme - 30,000
Bobby Corcione - 85,000
Brad St. Vincent - 25,000
Fred Paradis - 14,000
Matthew 'Bucky' Wantman - 32,000
Steven Tabb - 32,000
Luke Vrabel - 35,000
Will Failla - 25,000
Gerald Aiello - 25,000
Alex Begazyon - 35,000
Franie Flowers - 15,000

Event #10 ($1,650 NLH) - Alex Begazyon Doubles Up

Blinds: 150/300
Ante: 25
Players Remaining: 106
Average Stack: 31,367

On a board reading [qd][4d][2d], Alex Begazyon bets 4,500 in nearly position, and the player on the button shoves all in, having Begazyon covered.  Begazyon snap calls. 

Begazyon:  [9d][10d] (flush)
Button: [qs][qc] (set of queens)

The [3c] turn and [as] river do not pair the board, and Begazyon is awarded a full double up. 

Alex Begazyon- 36,000

Event #9 (Ladies) - Melanine Kaye Chipping Up

Level: 5
Blinds: 100/200 
Ante: 25
Average Chip Stack: 22,500

On a board reading [8d][4c][3s], a player under the gun bets 2,400, a player in middle position calls, and Melanie Kaye announces that she is all in on the button.  Both players call the all in. 

Both players checked the [qc] turn and [4h] river. 

Kaye turns over [8h][6s] for a pair of eights.  The player under the gun shows [2d][2c] for a pair of twos, and middle position exposes [ac][6c] for ace high.  Kaye takes the pot, and potentially the chip lead of this event. 

Melanie Kaye - 43,000

Event #10 ($1,650 NLH) - Star Packed Field

Players in the $1,650 NLH Event are now in the midst of Level 2 (50/100 blinds).  So far, we have 99 runners in this event, and it's a very star-packed field.  Arguably, one of the most difficult tables includes Chris Tryba, James Campbell, James Magner, Chris Orme, and the newly seated Will Failla.

Here are a few notable chip counts:

Dave Stefanski - 48,000
Frankie Flowes - 40,000
Chris Tryba - 30,000
Bobby Corcione - 30,000
Fred Paradis - 29,000
Mike Nye - 28,000
Vinh Dang - 25,000
James Campbell - 25,000
Chris Orme - 20,000
Steven Brackesy - 20,000
Gerald Aiello - 20,000
Will Failla - 20,000
Ted Driscoll - 20,000
Carlo Sciannameo - 20,000
Brad St. Vincent - 20,000
Steven Tabb - 20,000
Stacy Sullivan - 18,000
James Magner - 16,000
Je Wook Oh - 15,000

Event #9 ($250 NLH Ladies) Update

There are currently 66 runners in the $250 No Limit Hold Em Ladies Event.  Anyone wishing to enter/re-enter this tournament has until the start of level 7 to do.  These women are having a blast so come on down and join the fun! 

Structure sheet can be found here.

Schedule For Sat. Mar. 19th Foxwoods Poker Classic

$60 No Limit Hold Em

$200 Mega Super Satellite  (Win a $1,650 Voucher)
2 Seats Guaranteed

Event #9, $250 No Limit Hold Em LADIES
($215 Buy-in / $35 Entry Fee)
With Re-Entries
Players start with 20,000 in non-value tournament chips
Levels: 30 minutes
Registration open until the start of level7
Full structure is available here.

Event #10, $1,650 No Limit Hold Em
$150,000 Guaranteed
($1,500 Buy-in / $150 Entry Fee)
With Re-Entries
Players start with 25,000 in non-value tournament chips
Levels 1-9: 40 minutes
Levels 10+: 50 minutes
Registration open until the start of level 10
Full structure is available here.

Event #11, $250 No Limit Hold Em Super Stack Turbo
$25,000 Guaranteed
($215 Buy-in / $35 Entry Fee)
With Re-Entries
Players start with 40,000 in non-value tournament chips
Levels: 15 minutes
Registration open until the start of level 11
Full structure is available here.

$100 No Limit Hold Em Bounty

A full schedule for this Mega Stack Series is available here.

Foxwoods Poker Classic - Event #7 - $300 PLO High Only - Final Results

Place Name Prize
1 Scott Blake, Stamford, CT $3,261
2 Lori Morin, Groton, CT $2,500
3 James Steiner, W. Hartford, CT $2,000
4 Paul Chakoian, No. Reading, MA $2,000
5 John Mason, Lowell, MA $1,084

Foxwoods Poker Classic - Event #6 - $400 NLH Seniors - Final Results

Place Name Prize
1 Alan Thompson, Hope Valley, RI $7,000
2 Homer Stebbins, Belchertown, MA $8,842
3 Amir Sujak, Palisades Park, NJ $8,842
4 Dilipkumar Patel, New Bedford, MA $8,841
5 Joseph Guarino, Walpole, MA $3,433
6 Joseph Berardi, Groton, MA $2,790
7 Samir Desai, Shrewsbury, MA $2,253
8 David Hathaway, Patten, ME $1,823
9 Robert Allain, Gardner, MA $1,452
10 Anton Prekpalaj, Bronx, NY $1,019
11 Michael Witham, Carver, MA $1,019
12 Frank D’angelo, Yonkers, NY $1,019
13 Richard Salaices, Framingham, MA $911
14 Daniel Smith, Middleboro, MA $911
15 Debra Juda, Ware, MA $911
16 Nicholas Collins, Brewer, ME $858
17 William Kitzerow, Southold, NY $858
18 John Ricci, Harrison, NY $858

Foxwoods Poker Classic - Event #5 - $300 NLH - Final Results

Place Name Prize
1 Bradley St. Vincent, Bristol, RI $18,506
2 James Dyson, Uncasville, CT $11,299
3 John Muldoon, Pearl River, NY $7,465
4 Robert Ricciuti, Johnston, RI $5,931
5 Hermenegildo Trillo, Atlantic Beach, NY $4,358
6 Robert Timmons, Windham, ME $3,551
7 Steven Brackesy, Waltham, MA $2,906
8 Luke Vrabel, West Hartford, CT $2,300
9 Matthew Bloch, Needham, MA $1,789
10 Earnest Holthusen, Marysville, WA $1,291
11 Christopher O’Grady, Forestdale, MA $1,291
12 Christopher McIntyre, New London, CT $1,291
13 Kenneth Wink, Billerica, MA $1,089
14 Brian Egan, Stoughton, MA $1,089
15 Jon Gottlieb, Roslyn, NY $1,089
16 James Connolly, New Fairfield, CT $968
17 Robert Napoli, Marshfield, MA $968
18 Dimitrios Haskaris, Norwich, CT $968
19 Benjamin Wood, Portland, ME $847
20 Joseph Germain, Worcester, MA $847
21 Timothy O’Keefe, Fort Worth, TX $847
22 JeWook Oh, Farmingdale, NY $766
23 Phousith Norsavanh, Woonsocket, RI $766
24 Robert Cullen, Chicopee, MA $766
25 Robert Djang, Glastonbury, CT $685
26 Michael Nye, East Bridgewater, MA $685
27 Donald Lohr, Ledyard, CT $685
28 Sara Austin Stohler, Washington, DC $629
29 John Mengual, East Berlin, CT $629
30 Martin Morgan, New York, NY $629
31 Linda Swears, Fitchburg, MA $629
32 Sotirios Tsiantoulas, Medford, MA $629
33 Mohammad Saadeghvaziri, Basking Ridge, NJ $629
34 James Frangoulidis, Weston, MA $629
35 Cheryl Sloane, Braintree, MA $629
36 Steven Giannini, Fitchburg, MA $629