There were a total of 354 entries in today's $300 No-Limit Hold'em Monster Stack Event, generating a prizepool of
$89,278. The top 45 places will make the money, with first place
taking home $19,347.
Here is a look at the prizepool breakdown:
1 $19,347
2 $12,008
3 $8,035
4 $6,294
5 $4,687
6 $3,794
7 $3,036
8 $2,366
9 $1,850
10-12 $1,383
13-15 $1,160
16-18 $1,026
19-21 $892
22-24 $758
25-27 $669
28-36 $598
37-45 $535
22-24 $631